Foreign Exchange Markets: A Practical Guide

2:46 PM / Posted by E-pr0 /

This online guide aims at creating a coherent understanding of the foreign exchange market, by tying in real life market scenarios with the relevant theories of international finance and the classic schools of technical and quantitative analysis. Although there is a vast amount of literature on international finance, technical analysis and chartism, there is a scarcity of instructional materials incorporating actual market events such as interest rate decisions, interventions and geopolitical events.
Another area largely overlooked by currency guides is the integration of fundamental and technical analysis for making decisions. The distinctiveness between the two types of approaches dissuades many from factoring them together. But knowing how to combine them can be highly advantageous in unraveling the trend and timing of currency moves.

This material focuses on teaching how to think for yourself in understanding global currency markets, rather than depending on a pre-set trading system which recommends decisions without providing input on the whys of making right and wrong decisions. Rather than rehashing the classic theories driving currency analysis, this guide will offer investors, researchers and students an innovative approach, paramount in grasping and anticipating the moves in the major currency pairs.


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